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.Experimenting with ***uality during teenage years is something that is normal. However, when 16-year old Brian Johnson was apparently alone in his parents’ house he decided to take it a step further… and paid dearly for it.According to the responding paramedic Jeremy Morane, the quantity of blood on the scene was a testimony to the violence of the accident.As posted by the website 8Shit, Brian has admitted to having *** with a toaster, a vacuum cleaner, and an old video recorder, as well as a dozen other items.The young man was severely bleeding and he barely managed to call 911 before he lost consciousness.He decided to engage in ***ual intercourse with various objects from in and around the house.The youngster had his genitals inside the electric blender and accidentally hit one of the appliance’s buttons, electric hand blender Suppliers activating it.

The escapade might have continued for hours if not for a terrible accident. Fortunately for him, paramedics arrived on the site in a matter of minutes and he was rapidly transported to the hospital. Morane claims the young man lost more than five pints of blood and is extremely lucky to be alive.He was instantly emasculated by the rotating blade and his genitals were reduced to shreds in a matter of seconds.

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